(Un)Building Degrowth

(Un)Building Degrowth is a practical round table where to discuss, learn, teach, question, confront and understand concepts like Architecture of Degrowth, democratic building, participatory design, sustainability, etc

About the workshop

(Un)Building Degrowth is a practical round table where to discuss, learn, teach, question, confront and understand concepts like Architecture of Degrowth, democratic building, participatory design, sustainability, etc. While conversing about these ideas we will put them into practice in the space of the festival, improving one of the land facilities for the event and after. This process will try to encompass, in a simplified way, all the steps of architecture, from the research and design to the actual construction using natural building techniques.

About the facilitator

César Tomé Pizarro (Spain, 1995). Architect and builder, has developed his career around traditional architecture,rural development, democratic architecture and participatory design.  This path has led him to collaborate in many different projects around Europe throughout all the stages of the architectural process.