Transformative Justice and Accountability Practices

This workshop will explore how degrowth can be a perspective at the service for struggles for decolonisation and self-determination

About the Workshop

How can we deal with and transform violence (e.g. sexualized violence or racism) in our communities, including our political groups, without either remaining silent or resorting to punitive logic?

How can we practice collective accountability and solidarity instead of remaining bystanders and leaving those affected by violence alone?

The workshop is an introduction to Transformative Justice and focuses on obstacles and practices for accountability.

CN: Violence and Trauma. You can choose your level of interaction and depth for the workshop and its okay to just listen. This is not a space to discuss specific cases of violence.

About the Facilitator

Sven-David Pfau, he/him, white cis-male, temporarily able-bodied with mixed class experiences. Part of radix - collective for transformative education